Faculty & Staff Directory

Main Office

Photo of Tanya Duryea

Tanya Duryea

Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services / 504 Coordinator / Title IX Coordinator / ADA Compliance Officer

Photo of Peggy Fitzgerald

Peggy Fitzgerald

Assistant Principal of Special Education / Title IX Officer

Photo of Jackie Smith

Jackie Smith

Administrative Aide (Finance)/ Out of District Placements/ McKinney Vento Co-Liaison

Photo of Christine Cuebas

Christine Cuebas

Clerk Typist / Preschool Placements/ McKinney Vento Co-Liaison

Photo of Maryann Hull

Maryann Hull

Clerk Typist / Middle School & High School Placements

McKinney-Vento Education

Photo of Christine Cuebas

Christine Cuebas

Clerk Typist / Preschool Placements/ McKinney Vento Co-Liaison

Photo of Jackie Smith

Jackie Smith

Administrative Aide (Finance)/ Out of District Placements/ McKinney Vento Co-Liaison

Psychological Services

Photo of Noell Bushey

Noell Bushey

Middle School & High School Psychologist

Photo of Jody Hanlon

Jody Hanlon

Middle School Psychologist

Photo of Victoria Harris

Victoria Harris

HBE Psychologist

Photo of Shannon Johnson

Shannon Johnson

EME Psychologist

Speech Therapy Services

Photo of Caroline Van Patten

Caroline Van Patten

EME Speech Therapy Teacher

Photo of Anne Parker

Anne Parker

HBE Speech Therapy Teacher

Photo of Tina Pfaffe

Tina Pfaffe

EME Speech Therapy Teacher

Photo of Kelly Tigue

Kelly Tigue

EME Speech Therapy Teacher

Occupational Therapy Services

Photo of Frances Hammond

Frances Hammond

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Photo of Dr. Susan Rogowski

Dr. Susan Rogowski

Certified Occupational Therapist

Photo of Brittany Young

Brittany Young

Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant

Photo of Mike Zimmerman

Mike Zimmerman

EME Occupational Therapist

Physical Therapy

Photo of Laura Burkhalter

Laura Burkhalter

Physical Therapist

Photo of Christine Goudreau

Christine Goudreau

Physical Therapist

Vision Services

Photo of Mary Cardinal

Mary Cardinal

Special Education Teacher

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Photo of Kerri Counts

Kerri Counts

ESL Teacher


Photo of Jeanne Wilkowski

Jeanne Wilkowski

Educational Services Associate

Photo of Patrick Brady

Patrick Brady

Educational Services Aide