English as a New Language Programs (ENL)
Please review the terms below to assist in understanding our program:
ELL: English Language Learner (student)
ENL: English as a New Language (program)
NYSESLAT: New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test
The Port Jervis City School District continues to welcome students and their families who are English Language Learners (ELLs) and the richness that they bring to our school community. As we immerse our students in the English language, we assist them in developing a deeper understanding of their own cultures, as well as the diverse cultures in the United States and in the world. ELLs are capable of reaching the highest standards, but they need time and support to acquire the English language. Parental involvement is sought and nurtured to ensure the success of our students.
The work of the English as a New Language (ENL) teacher is to advocate for their students and to work with content area teachers to make content available to ELLs at their current level of proficiency. We believe that through dialogue and a shared understanding of curriculum at all levels with classroom teachers, guidance counselors and administrators, students in our ENL Program are provided with differentiated and carefully scaffolded activities and assessments to help improve and develop English language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking and at the same time, master the content. We provide a combination of push-in, pull out, and consultation services so that we can meet the needs of our ELLs.
To measure their growth in the English language, ELLs take The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test yearly in order to determine their level of proficiency from year to year. Once a student reaches the level of Proficient, he/she is then exited from ESL services, but the district is required to support ELLs for an additional two years. Our ultimate goal is to see ELLs exit our ESL program and to ensure academic success and social and emotional well being.