Board of Education

for the December 10, 2024 Board Meeting

Please be reminded that the Board of Education Meeting on December 10, 2024 will be held in the MIDDLE SCHOOL Cafeteria.

This change was necessitated by the PJHS Holiday Concert being held the same date and time as our meeting, and the Music Department needing the Cafeteria as a staging area for the Concert.

We will return to our normal Meeting location in the HS Cafeteria for our next meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 7pm.

Thank you for your understanding. The Board wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mission Statement

The Port Jervis City School District, in partnership with our community, has an uncompromising commitment to measurably improve student achievement and prepare students to be productive and responsible life-long learners, ready to meet the challenges of citizenship in our ever-changing global society.

2024-2025 Board of Education Members

Photo of Jason Kahmar

Jason Kahmar

Board Member President, PJHS Class of '94, Term Expires 2027

Photo of William Harris

William Harris

Board Member Vice President, Term Expires 2025

Photo of Joseph Andriac

Joseph Andriac

Board Member, PJHS Class of '99, Term Expires 2025

Photo of Catherine Sadaghiani

Catherine Sadaghiani

Board Member, Term Expires 2025

Photo of Donald Santiago

Donald Santiago

Board Member, PJHS Class of '92, Term Expires 2025

Photo of Judith Amato

Judith Amato

Board Member, PJHS Class of '81, Term Expires 2026

Photo of Nancy Dunn

Nancy Dunn

Board Member, Term Expires 2026

Photo of Marc Greene

Marc Greene

Board Member, PJHS Class of '84, Term Expires 2027

Photo of Michael Witt

Michael Witt

Board Member, Term Expires 2027

Board Clerk

Photo of Kristen Lopez

Kristen Lopez

Confidential Secretary

Board of Education Responsibilities

The Board of Education is made up of nine unsalaried citizens elected to serve three-year terms. The board’s powers and duties are derived from the New York State Constitution, the laws of New York State and the rulings of the New York State Commissioner of Education. The Board of Education’s main areas of responsibility are:

  • Establish district policies
  • Develop an annual budget for public approval
  • Vote on the Superintendent’s recommendations on personnel matters and contracts
  • Review courses of study and textbooks
  • Act as a communication link between residents and the District

No person or group of people acts in the name of the board. All motions require a majority vote before the Board can act. A Board Member is in an official capacity only during an official Board meeting. The Board employs a Superintendent who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the district and administration of Board policies. We are very appreciative of the members of the community who volunteer their time to serve in this capacity.

Board Meetings

All Board meetings are open to the public. Port Jervis residents are encouraged to attend the regular meetings, which start at 7:00 PM.

2024-2025 Board Meeting Schedule

The 2023-2024 Board meeting schedule is listed below. Agendas are added to the online schedule the Friday prior to the regularly-scheduled meetings.

Meeting Agendas, Minutes, & Videos

Agendas are added to the online schedule the Friday prior to the regularly-scheduled meetings.

In accordance with the NYS Open Meetings Law, documents scheduled to be discussed at a Board meeting, such as proposed resolutions and policies, are available to the public. The documents are linked to the online agenda. Printed copies of the agenda are also available at the Board meetings. Minutes are posted within two weeks of the Board meeting.

Board Policy Manual

All policies adopted by the Board of Education are available online. The Board Policy Committee meets throughout the school year to review, revise, and adopt district policies and regulations, as needed. The Online Policy Manual is updated whenever a new or revised policy is approved by the Board.

Public Comment

There is a portion of time at each meeting when the Board welcomes public comment from our learning community, however, you must sign up to announce your desire to address the Board with the Board Clerk when you arrive at the meeting. Please see the following document for the parameters of acceptable Rules for Public Comment.