#37800 - Earth Science B

HS Credit Value: ½ Credit / Half Year Course
Grade Levels: 11

Course Description: 

This course is designed as a third year science course. All science students who take this course must also take Earth Science A. Worried about your carbon footprint? Should you pay more for organic food? Is your bottled water better than the alternatives? Is there enough water and oil to peacefully support our ever expanding and consuming human race? How do we find a dignified balance between our personal use of resources and the conservation of this unique blue planet? Global health, viewed as a human right, involves both personal and population health issues, community problems and concerns that transcend national boundaries. We will explore why certain populations bear an unequal burden of poverty and disease, and what we, individually and collectively, can do to tackle these health inequities. The final is a local exam. Prerequisite: Students must have completed the Living Environment course. Students who have taken Earth Science cannot enroll in this course.