#32100 - Living Environment R

HS Credit Value: 1 Credit / Full Year Course
Grade Levels: 9

Course Description: 

This introductory science course provides a broad understanding of the fundamental principles of biology. This course also has a major laboratory component. The major topics include an introduction to, and an overview of, biology and the techniques used in scientific investigations. The other specific units of study include the cell, taxonomy, nutrition and digestion, the circulatory system, respiration and excretion, locomotion, regulation, and ecology. The course also covers photosynthesis, respiration, DNA, cell division, meiosis, reproduction and development, genetics, and evolution. Within each unit, specific laboratory exercises are completed to help students apply the concepts covered. All mandated NYS laboratory exercises are presented with the appropriate unit. The final examination is the Regents Examination in Living Environment. To be eligible for this exam, students must complete the state mandated number of laboratory exercises with a satisfactory written laboratory report. No Prerequisite.

Curriculum Map