#36700 - Astronomy

HS Credit Value: 1 Credit / Full Year Course
Grade Levels: 11 & 12

Course Description: 

This course is designed as a third year science course for students who want to learn more about Earth and its place in the universe. The course will also cover our solar system, stars, the universe, and space travel. Students will also learn about rocketry, aeronautics, aerospace, remote sensing, night-time navigation, orbital motions and the latest material dealing with new astronomical findings. Students will utilize computer-based modeling to help understand concepts presented in class as well as computer-based planetariums. Hands-on classroom exercises and projects are designed to emphasize the principles presented and discussed in class. Various observational experiences will be integrated into  the course. The final is a local final exam. Prerequisite: Students must have completed a minimum of two years of science, including Living Environment.