Public Notices

About Asbestos

The Port Jervis School District has available in the District Administrative Office and in individual building Principal offices, copies of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) management plan for public information and review.

As per U.S. Department of Environmental Protection regulations, the District re-inspects all of our buildings that contain asbestos every three years, and include the results in the AHERA management plan.

The School District uses only certified and licensed professionals to inspect, repair, handle and remove asbestos containing materials.

The asbestos in the District is monitored and inspected every six months to determine the condition and any need for repair or removal.

If you have any questions about the district asbestos management plan, please contact:

Justin Boesch
Director of Facilities III
P.O. Box 1104
Port Jervis, NY 12771-1104

For additional information, please contact Justin Boesch at 845-858-3100 extension 7510.