Workers Compensation
All work related injuries must be reported to your supervisor immediately. At that time, a C-2F Incident Report must be completed by your supervisor. This report should be filed no later than seventy-two (72) hours after the injury. After the report is filed, a claim number will be issued. This claim number should be referenced by the medical provider that you see for your injury. If you seek medical attention before a claim number is assigned, please provide the medical facility with the following carrier code: W861074. You are not required to pay for any treatments, co-payments, deductibles or make any partial payments for treatment due to work related injuries.
Please give the following information to your treating facility on your initial visit to avoid billing problems. The Billing Department of your doctors office can retrieve any information they require by contacting the following:
PMA Customer Service Center
PO Box 5231
Janesville, WI 53547-5231
Phone: 1-800-329-6185
To access a list of network physicians, please visit Click on PMA Cinch. Click on Search for a Network Provider. Input your search information.
If a prescription is necessary, Bonnie Whitney will be able to issue you a temporary prescription card to present to the pharmacy until a permanent card is issued to you. Her contact information is below.
Please provide copies of any notes from physicians to Bonnie Whitney at the District Office. Any questions about claims can also be directed to Bonnie Whitney. Her contact information is:
Bonnie Whitney
150 Pike Street
Port Jervis, NY 12771
Phone: (845) 858-3100 ext. 5531