Episode 17: Picture Word Inductive Model

This week we are re-sharing one of our favorite strategies, the Picture Word Inductive Model. 

PWIM is a great strategy for scaffolding the writing process, building vocabulary, strengthening oral language skills and it can also be used to prepare students for exams such as the NYSESLAT.

Listed below are the steps to plan and implement PWIM:

  1. Choose an image, students brainstorm and label with words
  2. Classify the words as nouns, verbs or adjectives
  3. Provide cloze sentences for students to complete that describe or tell about the picture 
  4. Students orally rehearsal sentences
  5. Turn multiple sentences into a paragraph
  6. Paragraphs can be combined to generate an essay

There are also some fun modifications that you can make to this process, depending on your group of students. Check out the video and let us know if you give it a try!