#38000 - Exercise Science/37900 - Sports Nutrition

HS Credit Value: ½ Credit / Full Year Course
Grade Levels: 10, 11, & 12

Course Description: 

This course will be offered to any sophomore, junior or senior. This course will  integrate and apply principles of sound nutrition and physical activities to optimize the physiological, psychological, and social lifelong development of the individual with regards to their health and fitness. The course will consist of lectures in the classroom as well as a portion of the course spent in the weightroom/gym/track applying the principles learned in the lecture portion of class. Sports Nutrition will incorporate food, nutrition and physical activity learning opportunities within classroom lessons and programs in order to teach information about nutrition, health and food systems, convey the value of healthy lifestyles and ultimately support the students in developing lifelong healthy behaviors. This course will count toward a third year of science credit in order to graduate. Prerequisite: Living Environment Regents.