#330H0 - Earth Science Honors

HS Credit Value: 1 Credit / Full Year Course
Grade Levels: 9

Course Description: 

The four major topics in the course are geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy. Other topics include rocks, minerals, surface processes, geological history, plate tectonics, climatology, cosmology, and thermodynamics. The final examination is the two-part Regents Examination in Earth Science. To sit for the Regents Examination, students must complete: the Regents Earth Science lab practical and a state mandated number of laboratory exercises with a satisfactory written laboratory report. Prerequisite: For students in 8th grade Living Environment, a minimum final course grade of 88 in Living Environment class and a score of 80 or higher on the Living Environment Regents Exam. For students in general 8th grade Science, a minimum final course grade of 90, a final exam grade of 88, an 8th grade science teacher’s recommendation and department chair approval.