Student Registration

Registration Office

Pupil Personnel Services Office
150 Pike Street
Port Jervis, NY 12771
PHONE: 845-858-3100, Ext.6601
FAX: 845-858-3268

Jeanne Wilkowski

Educational Services Associate

Welcome to the Port Jervis School District!

This website contains information of interest to families who are relocating to Port Jervis, Deerpark, or one of the other communities served by the Port Jervis City School District.

Registration Requirements

The following documents are needed to register:

  • Proof of birth
  • Proof of Immunizations
  • Two proofs of residency
  • Parent/Guardian Photo ID
  • Custody papers, if applicable

Pre-Registration Process

The Port Jervis School District welcomes you!

We are looking forward to helping prepare your student for an exciting educational experience.

Please pre-register your child on the by clicking here. After completion, please call the office to schedule an appointment. You can also download the attached packet and call to schedule an appointment.

If you and your family are experiencing homelessness, please read important information about your right to register your child under the “McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act” 

How does McKinney-Vento Act define homelessness?

A student who lacks a fixed, adequate and regular nighttime residence.

What does “fixed”, “adequate”, and “regular” mean?

A “fixed” residence is one that is stationary, permanent and not subject to change.

An “adequate” residence is one that is sufficient for meeting both the physical and psychological needs typically met in home environments.

A “regular” residence is one which is used on a nightly basis.

Examples of housing arrangements that are NOT fixed, regular, and adequate can include:

Living in emergency or transitional shelters;

Share housing due to loss of housing or economic hardship (“doubled-up”)Live in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camp grounds due to lack of alternative adequate housing;

Are awaiting foster care placement;

Are abandoned in hospitals;

Live in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, or bus or train stations;

Have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodations;

Are migratory children living in circumstances described above.

PJCSD UPK & Kindergarten Census

Port Jervis City School District maintains census information and wants to hear from you. If you have just moved into the district and have a child/children ages birth to 5 years old or you have been a resident and have a new child, please CLICK HERE. If you have a child enrolled in a Port Jervis City School District program, you do not need to complete this form.

Universal Pre-K Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year

Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) is a New York State funded program specifically designed for 4-year-olds not eligible for kindergarten. Each year Port Jervis CSD invites eligible children who reside in the district to apply. Transportation is a part of this state-funded program. 

We are dedicated to a full-day (five-hour) UPK program. Port Jervis CSD is able to continue full-day programs at Hamilton Bicentennial Elementary School, Project Discovery and and Head Start. The play-based program engages students in social and emotional skills with a heavy emphasis on communication. 

Locations are determined by the lottery and families will be notified during the month of May.  Families are notified of lottery results via email. 

The UPK program is five days a week, Monday - Friday, 5 hours per day and follows the Port Jervis CSD school calendar. When Port Jervis K-5 students have off, UPK students do not have school.

Project Discovery Information

Easterseals Project Discovery is starting their enrollment process for the Universal Pre Kindergarten program for the 2024-2025 School Year! The child must be 4 years old by December 1, 2024 and a Port Jervis School District resident. The program is half day Monday-Friday, with a limited number of full day slots, and free for all residents. The program is not income based. Please feel free to email me at, or call the office @ 845-858-2874

Project Discovery is also an evaluation site for children ages 2 years 6 months- 5 years old. We are able to complete educational, Speech, OT (occupational Therapy) and PT (Physical Therapy) evaluations.