Happy School Boards Appreciation Week!

Happy School Board Appreciation Week.  Please join me in thanking our school board members for their caring and dedicated service to our school community.  A LOT OF WORK, PROJECTS, AND MORE have gone through the school board over the past few years, and there is great, positive momentum for Port Schools. THANK YOU!  #PORTPRIDE

  • Jason Kahmar, President, PJHS class of '94
  • Bill Harris, Vice President
  • Joeseph Andriac, PJHS class of '99
  • Cathy Sadaghiani
  • Judy Amato, PJHS class of '81
  • Nancy Dunn
  • Marc Greene, PJHS class of '84
  • Michael Witt
  • & newly elected last evening, Don Santiago, PJHS class of '92

Port Schools also offered special recognition to Mr. Bill Onofry. Over the past 16+ years, Mr. Onofry served in multiple positions and roles on the School Board, helping guide the district through many projects, wins, and challenges.  A big Port Pride thank you to Mr. Onofry and his family.

Video of plaque presentation here: Mr. Onofry Plaque reading