Please join us in welcoming our new teaching & professional staff to our team. We are excited to have them in PJ.
Thank you to all who have warmly assisted & helped these new staff during their first days...
- Jenna Consaga, Social Worker (leave replacement)
- Noah Knesel, Physical Ed, HBE
- Christine Buda, Elem teacher, ASK
- Anna Delaney, Elem teacher, ASK
- Shannon Klotz, Art, ASK
- Saige Colon, Physical Education, MS & HS
- Arthur Eidelson, Technology, MS
- Natalia Glorioso, Art, MS
- Evan Muller, Special Education, MS
- Rose Scheie, Math, MS
- Brittany Langlitz, Science, HS
- Jenine Mercado, Special Education, HS
- Denise Moletto, Business & Marketing, HS
- Adeline Rajnert, English, HS
- Karen Gannon, School Psychologist
#GoPort #PortPride