Welcome to High School Guidance
10 Route 209, Port Jervis, NY 12771
Phone: (845) 858-3100 ext. 1601/1602 • Fax: (845) 858-3239
Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
We're Here to Help!
Port Jervis High School counselors foster each student's social, emotional, and academic development to maximize his/her educational potential. We bring together people, information, and resources to effect positive growth in students' lives.
Guidance Staff
Five guidance counselors are available to assist our students. Each student is assigned a counselor who follows him/her through four years of high school. Assignments are made alphabetically by last name.
Clerk Typist
Clerk Typist
Middle School & High School Psychologist
Social Worker
PJHS CEEB CODE: 334590 (2024-2025 PJHS Profile)
College Planning
- How Do I Compare Colleges?
- Junior Planning Guide (Coming Soon!)
- Naviance
- Official College Transcript Request Instructions
- Parent Portal Form
- PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal
- Scholarships (Coming Soon!)
- Senior Planning Guide
Child Abuse Hotline Number: 1-800-342-3720
Reports of suspected child abuse or maltreatment should be made immediately -- at any time of the day and on any day of the week -- by telephone to the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (sometimes referred to as the State Central Register or SCR).