#37300 - SUNY ESF - Environmental Science

HS Credit Value: 1 Credit / Full Year Course
College Credit Value: 3 Credits
Grade levels: 11 & 12

Course Description: 

College Environmental Science is equivalent to a freshman level college course. Successful completion may result in college credit and/or placement. Students will gain a greater understanding of the interrelationships that exist in nature, and an appreciation for how humankind can affect nature and conversely how nature can affect humankind. The major topics are: interdependence of earth’s systems; human population dynamics; renewable and nonrenewable resources; distribution, ownership, use, and degradation; environmental quality; global changes and their consequences; and environment and society. Laboratory exercises are covered. The final exam is a written report from a year long study and participation at the ESF Symposium. Prerequisite: Students must have completed a minimum of three years of Regents science, including chemistry. This course is on a two year cycle.