#35800/35804 - College Biology

HS Credit Value: 1 Credit / Full Year Course
College Credit Value: 8 Credits
Grade levels: 12

Course Description: 

Coordinated through SUNY Orange, this senior level science course covers the same material as the freshman biology course at Syracuse University. It has three parts: Biology 121 (first two marking periods – earns 4 college credits) and Biology 123 & 124 (second two marking periods – earns 3/1 college credits). A student who completes all three parts can earn up to 8 college credits. The course is primarily designed for students who want to major in either basic or applied science upon graduation. Topics include bio-chemicals, energy transfers, cell division, heredity, evolution; and the classification, structural, and physiological adaptations of viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. Laboratory exercises are designed to help students gain a better understanding of the concepts. Students are also expected to complete comprehensive laboratory reports, dissections, and lab practicals. The coordinating professor at Syracuse University produces the major examinations in the course. Prerequisite: Students must complete a minimum of three Regents science courses, including chemistry.