#357F0/357S0 - College Physics - Mount Saint Mary College

HS Credit Value: 1 Credit / Full Year Course
College Credit Value: 8 Credits
Grade levels: 11 & 12

Course Description: 

The instructional course PHY1010 will introduce our students to the basic principles and concepts of physics with an emphasis on problem solving. Introduction to the major fields of physics with emphasis on understanding fundamental principles while placing the subject in an historical and cultural perspective. Part 1 of a 2-semester course covering mechanics, laws of motion, work and energy. The lab course PHY1010  will require students to perform laboratory experiments related to the concepts covered in the instructional course, write lab reports on those experiments, and pass exams based on this content. The instructional course PHY1020 will introduce our students to the basic principles and concepts of physics with an emphasis on problem solving. Introduction to the major fields of physics with emphasis on understanding fundamental principles while placing the subject in an historical and cultural perspective. Part 2 of a 2-semester course covering fluid behavior, thermodynamics, waves, electricity and magnetism. The lab course PHY1020  will require students to perform laboratory experiments related to the concepts covered in the instructional course, write lab reports on those experiments, and pass exams based on this content.