Strategic Plan
During the 2024-25 school year, the Port Jervis School District will embark on crafting a multi-year strategic plan. First, a district-level committee will develop 3-5 overarching goals for the district. This committee will include teachers, support staff, parents, community members, high school students, administrators and school board members. This committee will also generate an expansive list of ideas that fall under the overarching goal areas.
The second step will be for the administrative team to take the wealth of ideas, prioritize them with the "best bang for the buck" then create measurable goals. The third step will be for the faculty and staff to create action plans to accomplish the goals.
Once the plan is written, elementary grade-level teams and secondary department teams will revisit the goals and action plans three times a year. They will do so at the start of the school year to remind them of their goals for the upcoming year. They will review the goals again at budget time to ensure any needs for next year are included in their budgets. Finally, they will revisit their goals again in June to assess their performance for the year that just concluded.
More information will be posted to this page during the 2024-25 school year as each phase of the strategic plan is completed. Remember, you don't improve on accident. You plan your work then you work your plan!