Port Jervis City School District
School Bus Safety Rules & Regulations
As a parent, you can help ensure our students arrive to and from school safely each day by instructing your children in these bus safety rules & regulations:
- Be sure your child arrives at their bus stop 5 to 7 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- When the bus approaches, remind your child to stand at least 5 giant steps away from the curb and line up away from the bus.
- Never run after the school bus if it has already left the bus stop.
- Never run in front of or behind the school bus to pick up something that your child dropped or forgot.
- Make sure you tell your child never to get on the bus until it has completely stopped.
- After the bus stops and the door opens, remind your child to take firm hold of the handrail and get onto the bus.
- Never push another student while getting on or off the bus.
- All students riding the bus should go directly to a seat and sit quietly. This allows the bus driver to concentrate on driving safely.
- Students should never place any part of their body through the bus window.
- When outside of the bus, make sure your child is aware of the danger zones and is always within sight of the bus driver. The Danger Zone is a 10-foot wide area on all sides of a school bus -- an area where children are in the most danger of
being hit. Children should be taught to stay 10 feet away from a school bus (or as far away as they can) and never go behind it. They should be told to take five giant steps in front of the bus before crossing so the driver can see them.
- Eating, drinking, smoking or vaping are not permitted on the bus.
- Profane or obscene language is prohibited on the bus at all times.
- Students are to stay in the seat assigned to them by the driver.
- Students are to remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion.
- The bus is to be treated with respect. Students are not to be destructive. The cost to repair or replace any vandalized property will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
- Students cannot bring any item on the bus that cannot be held on their lap comfortably. This is a regulation of the New York State Department of Transportation.
- Supervision at the bus stop, as well as to and from the bus stop to home, is a parent responsibility.
- Students needing to get on or off the bus at a place other than their regularly scheduled bus stop must have written permission from their parent/guardian, as well as approval from the building principal and transportation, prior to boarding a different bus. No student will be granted a bus change for the purpose of going to his/her place of employment, parties, social events or for parental convenience. Emergency requests may be granted for a short period of time and may include such situations as hospitalization, death in family, etc.
- A student’s riding privilege may be suspended if their conduct interferes with bus safety or violates bus riding rules and regulations.
Port Jervis City School District Policy mandates that all pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade students be put on and taken off the bus by a parent, guardian or responsible adult. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Parents should complete a “Bus Permission Form” and return it to their child’s school or the District’s Registration Department (fax 845-858-3268).
If you have any questions or concerns relative to transportation, please do not hesitate to contact WE Transport at 845-440-1111. Thank you.