Welcome to the
Transportation Department
WE Transport
504 Route 42, Sparrowbush, NY 12780
Phone: (845) 440-1111
Approximately 2,200 Port Jervis students are transported daily to our four schools, our out-of-district schools and private schools. The District contracts with WE Transport, a private company, to provide transportation services.
Bus stops and routes are cooperatively planned by WE Transport and the district. WE Transport provides buses, drivers, maintenance and training. The company has an excellent safety record and exceeds state requirements for equipment, driver history, criminal clearance and training.
Transportation Forms
For your convenience, transportation forms can be sent to school with your child or dropped off at your child's school office. Temporary or emergency requests to change assigned bus routes must be submitted in writing to your child’s school office and approved by the Principal or Assistant Principal and Transportation. Temporary bus changes will only be processed for emergency situations such as someone in your family is hospitalized or a death in the family. Bus changes will not be made for parent convenience or for staying at a friend’s house.
2024-2025 School Year
2025-2026 School Year
School Bus Safety Rules & Regulations
The District considers the school bus an "extension" of the classroom. To ensure the safety of everyone riding on the bus, students should conduct themselves according to the established standards of classroom behavior. Parents are asked to help bus drivers maintain safety and order by reviewing these expectations with their children. The district administration may suspend students from bus riding privileges for inappropriate behavior exhibited on the bus. School bus safety rules and regulations are below.
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and 1st Grade Bus Policy – Bus Permission Forms
Our district policy mandates that pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade students be put on and taken off the bus by a parent/guardian or responsible individual authorized by the parent/guardian in writing.
If you are unable to be at the stop to take your pre-kindergarten, kindergarten or first grade child off the bus, we need to know who is authorized by you to meet your child. Please complete the bus permission form and return it to the Registration Department or School Office as soon as possible.
These forms need to be processed prior to the bus driver allowing your student off with someone else at their bus stop.
Late Buses
The District offers five late bus routes for High School and Middle School students who participate in eligible after-school activities. These late buses are available Monday through Friday. Students who want to ride the late bus must have a late bus pass signed by the teacher, advisor, coach or school office. All late buses arrive at the High School at 3:45 p.m. and leave at approximately 3:50 p.m. The late buses do not make all regularly-assigned bus stops.
ARCH/ACES/Activity Late Buses
The District offers two late bus routes for High School and Middle School students who attend the ARCH/ACES Programs and for students who participate in eligible after-school activities. These late buses are available Monday through Thursday. Students who want to ride the late bus must have a late bus pass signed by teacher, advisor, coach or school office. The late buses will arrive at the High School at 4:45 p.m. and leave at approximately 4:50 p.m. The late buses do not make all regularly-assigned bus stops.
Private School Transportation
By law, all school districts in New York State must provide transportation to students enrolled in private schools who live within a 15-mile radius of the school they attend. Parents interested in requesting transportation for their child to a non-public school for the 2025-2026 school year must submit a Transportation Request to Private School form by April 1, 2025. New students registering with the district, must submit the request form within 30 days of moving into the district.
WE Transport will transport students enrolled in private school in accordance with the district's calendar and policy. Parents are responsible for transporting their children to school on days the Port Jervis School District is not in session. This includes in-service days.