PJHS: Youth in Government

The Port Jervis High School Youth in Government Club advised by HS Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Piscitelli, and HS Librarian, Mrs. Perkowski, had a fantastic year this year. Sponsored by OUBOCES and supported by the Orange County Youth Bureau, Youth in Government has participants from districts all around our country with the goal of getting students interested in active government participation. This year, 3 of our students ran in the YIG elections, vying for mock offices that exist at our local, state, and federal levels. These three students, Noemie Florant, Avery Edwards, and Yacine Niasse all had to prepare speeches to give to their party's delegates at a convention, win the primary, and record a speech for the general election. The speeches were watched in Social Studies classes all over the county and thousands of Orange County students voted in a mock election. We are proud to announce that Noemie won the Governor's office for the second year in a row. All three of them, as well as other YIG Seniors, Jeffrey Tioleco, Elleanna Sotelo, Abby Tigue, and Crysti Ramos, attended the Orange County Government's Day of Service and luncheon in Goshen this past week. For more information about the day and additional photos, please visit www.facebook.com/OrangeCountyYB.