Welcome to the
Health & Wellness Office

Port Jervis is committed to providing students with the education and support that meets their health and wellness needs. This commitment is reflected by our school nurses, wellness policy, health & physical education curricula, and attendance initiatives.

School Health Services

School health services are provided by professional registered nurses. Our school nurses have a multi-faceted role in our schools, one that supports the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their success in the learning process.

Contact your child's school nurse if you have questions about the Health Services offered by the PJSD. Additional information is also available by clicking the highlighted service.

Linda List
EME Nurse
(845) 858-3100 ext.3700

Rhea Doto
EME Nurse
(845) 858-3100 ext.3701

Allisha Richter
HBE Nurse
(845) 858-3100 ext.4700

Lori Sexton
PJMS Nurse
(845) 858-3100 ext.2700

Amy Weinick
PJHS Nurse
(845) 858-3100 ext.1700

EME FAX: 845-858-2894
HBE FAX: 845-754-7355
PJMS & PJHS FAX: 845-858-2895