Port Center Spotlight Podcast: Episode 4: Jim Colaiaco

The NY Yankees and the NY Football Giants were fortunate to have the famous Bob Sheppard announce their games as the public address announcer for 50 years. Port Jervis football was blessed to have our very own band teacher Jim Colaiaco announce our games over the loudspeaker for 45 years. We are proud to announce that on Friday, October 13, 2023, we are naming the press box in Jim’s honor:

The Jim Colaiaco Press Box at Historic Glennette Field

Jim was an excellent Port Jervis Middle School band teacher for 33 years from 1970-2003. While music was his passion, his first love was sports, especially the NY baseball Giants (now San Francisco) and football Giants. He announced the Raider football games with precision, intensity, and certainly a love for Port Jervis, our players, cheerleaders, and our fans.

We are extremely proud to bestow this honor on Jim, his family, and the Port Jervis community. The echoes of his calls and legacy will live on at Glennette Field forever.