What we do in the Port Schools matters!

A tribute to our educators and support staff
by Dr. John Bell, Superintendent of Schools

We may not be brokering a peace deal in the Middle East or curing cancer but what we do matters!  Educators and educational support staff can help alter the lives of our students. Think about how powerful that is!  There are very few professions that can alter someone’s life.  Doctors, nurses, EMS, firefighters, and police officers probably come to mind right away.  Teachers, counselors, and support staff should be included as well. We are charged with getting the students to and from school safely every day.  We are charged with feeding them 1 or 2 meals a day. We are charged with providing a warm, safe place with caring adult supervision.  Did you notice I haven’t even mentioned teaching academics yet?

How do we know if we matter?  Think about the students who become first-generation college students.  Think about the students who come from trying circumstances but persevere despite the odds.  Think about the students who don’t seem to have a direction but a teacher, coach, or advisor helps give them the necessary guidance. Think about the average student who gets excited about a particular subject area that leads to a career path.  Think about the students who were headed down the wrong path and somehow reversed course to make something of themselves.

Here is a really big one:  think about all the Port students who returned to work in our schools?  You might be one of them. I am.  Many of you may not be Port grads but became teachers or wanted to work in schools because of a positive role model who influenced you during your schooling. I can also think of many support staff employees whose kids and/or grandkids went on to become educators as well.

Have you ever thought about the fact that every profession gets its new recruits because of teachers?  Doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, nurses, and plenty of other fields are staffed because of teachers of these disciplines.  It’s been said that all professions are the result of our profession. Teachers start the ball rolling in all of these fields.

While educators might get tired and/or discouraged because working with kids isn’t always easy, it is worth the investment you make.  Every adult who works in a school can serve as a role model, an inspiration, a guiding light, a sympathetic ear, a caring adult, a protector, and many other positive things. We are grateful for our amazing team here in Port Jervis.

To our students and parents: it matters!  It matters that you read each night.  It matters that you complete your homework and class assignments.  It matters that students and parents hustle in the morning to get to school on time.  It matters that you show your Port Pride and participate in our musicals, art/tech shows, sports teams, clubs, and more.  Students: Thank you for your hard work and engagement in school. Parents: Thank you for your dedication to your child(ren)’s education and your support of the Port Jervis Schools.  Our future is brighter when we all work together.

What we do in the Port Schools matters to: 

  • our kids and their future
  • our community, which we help grow stronger
  • public education, which is a cornerstone of our democracy! 

Dr. John Bell, Superintendent

John Bell became the superintendent of schools in the fall of 2022 and is believed to be the first PJHS graduate to ever serve in this role.  He previously served as assistant superintendent for instruction at Port Jervis from 2006-2012 then was superintendent at a neighboring district from 2012-2022 before coming home.  He is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the district overseeing the staff, programs, and operations. 

Want to write a #PortPride blog spot?  We want this blog to be written by a variety of people connected to Port Jervis: students, staff, alumni, BOE members, community leaders, and more.  Have a recommendation for a person, program, place, or happening that should be written about?  Reach out to Mr. Marotta at amarotta@pjschools.org or via phone 845-858-3100 x5534