Parent-Teacher Association
PTA Officers
Officers for 2024-2025 school year
Kara Spears - President
Melissa Pulsinelli - Vice President
Trisha Halpenny - Secretary
Kate Sandberg - Treasurer
We are still hoping to fill PTA Board positions please email for more information.
The PJMS PTA needs you! You can join the PTA via our website (listed on the flyer) or print the membership form and return to the PJMS office. We look forward to meeting you!
Why Join The PTA?
- Research suggests that student performace improves when parents are engaged in the education process both at home and is school. Parental involvement increases student success.
- The PTA provides support for teachers and administrators and strives to create a positive and caring atmosphere in the school.
- Get to know teachers and staff!
Ready To Sign Up?
Join online now at or contact Erin Cross, PTA President at
The Port Jervis Middle School PTA is a great way to get involved with our school.
You are under no obligation by joining - you can do as little or as much as you like, and your yearly membership dues will help the PTA help your Middle School student! The cost is only $7/year.
Membership Application
Need information about PTA meetings, programs, or fundraisers?
- The Middle School PTA has its own email address. Please contact us at
- The PTA also has a Facebook Page - Port Jervis Middle School PTA...Check it out to learn more about the PTA and our school!
Price Chopper Tools for Schools
Every time you shop at Price Chopper you can earn FREE school supplies for our school!
When you use your AdvantEdge card, you can help us earn free points that are redeemed for supplies for our students. It doesn't cost anything to join.
It's easy to enroll - Simply log on to: to check your enrollment or to sign up. Use the information below when you register.
School Name: Port Jervis Middle School | Our School Code: 16291
Box Tops
The MS PTA collects Box Tops for Education labels. You can send in these labels with your child to school throughout the year.
Thank You!