It’s that time of year again for HBE to participate in the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge.
Click here to register today. Registering is free to do and every student who registers gets a wristband.
If 100 students in the school register, HBE’s Principal (Mrs. Mesnick) and Assistant Principal (Mr. Karram), will dress up in a blow-up costume for a day.
If we raise funds, students have a chance at earning different Thank You Gifts. If HBE is able to raise over $3,000, Physical Education teachers (Mrs. Hartmann and Mr. Knesel) will get slimed.
Also, students who complete Finn’s Mission will not only get a slow rise ball, but a chance at winning 2 Super Bowl tickets. If we get 18 students to complete Finn’s Mission, HBE will be entered into a $10,000 gym makeover. In addition, the class who has the most students complete Finn’s Mission, will earn an extra recess.
The Kids Heart Challenge begins this month. Students will be doing different heart healthy activities in PE class such as a Ninja Warrior Course and Dance.
Registering and donations can be made until March 1, 2024.